Aloe Ferox Juice

Aloe Ferox juice is packed with Vitamin C, E, calcium and magnesium and the only plant source of Vitamin B12, makes aloe ferox  juice an ideal supplement for vegans and vegetarians. This water dense juice is great for hydration. Ideal for post workout hydration. Aloe detoxifies the liver and is a natural laxative. Rich  in antioxidants, aloe neutralises the effects of UV radiation. It’s anti-inflammatory properties help to aid digestion for a healthy gut. Hydrating aloe ferox juice may help reduce the frequency and appearance of acne.

Aloe is known for its thick, pointed, and fleshy green leaves, which contain a tissue that stores water. This water-filled tissue is used in aloe products. The gel contains most of the beneficial compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.

Aloe contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. Polyphenols help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans.

Aloe is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. It is used to heal wounds and treat skin problems.


 Lightworks Aloe Ferox Juice

The South African endemic Aloe Ferox plant is used to make Aloe Ferox juice, also referred to as bitter aloe juice. It has long been utilized for therapeutic purposes and is thought to have a number of positive health effects. The juice provides a number of health advantages, including:

Aloe ferox juice should be  regularly consumed in order to improve digestive health. It may help to ease digestive discomfort, promote regular bowel movements, and ease constipation.

Support for the immune system

Aloe ferox contains a number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can aid in the immune system’s support. It might support general immunological health and strengthen the body’s natural defenses.

Skin health

Aloe ferox frequently applied topically due to its benefits for the skin. Since it is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions that can help in maintaining skin health when taken orally, it may also help to support healthy skin from the inside out.

Vitamins A, C, E, and B, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and amino acids are among the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in aloe ferox juice that are naturally occurring. The general health and wellbeing could be enhanced by these nutrients.

Anti-inflammatory Qualities

Its anti-inflammatory qualities that could help lessen inflammation in the body. This might be useful for treating inflammatory conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.

Antioxidant properties

This juice includes antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, which can help neutralize damaging free radicals in the body, which can lead to aging and a variety of health problems.


Because of it includes a high water content, it can aid to hydrate the body and support overall hydration levels, which are necessary for many bodily activities.

While Aloe Ferox juice is usually regarded safe for eating, it may not be appropriate for everyone. Before incorporating any new supplement or natural treatment into your regimen, talk with a healthcare expert, especially if you have any pre-existing health concerns or are using drugs.


Aloe Vera juice (99.8%), Potassium sorbate (Preservative, Sodium benzoate)



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