Geranium Essential Oil | 10ml

Geranium essential oil – Pelargonium graveolens

Benefits for Skin

  • Astringent properties
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory
  • Balances sebum production and secretion
  • Cleanses the skin, cleans the pores, kills bacteria
  • Tightens and tones the skin
  • Boosts the healing process of open wounds
  • Promotes healthy skin growth

Benefits for Mind and Body

  • Improves water retention and elimination
  • Stimulates the liver and pancreas, calms & soothes digestion
  • Stimulates the action of the lymphatic system boosting general immunity
  • A strong antidepressant and sedative, lifts the spirits, calms the emotions and improves moods

Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy.


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Geranium Essential Oil


Green, Pink Floral, Sweet and Pungent


Antidepressant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, balancing,
healing, digestive, diuretic, stimulant (circulation, lymphatic, liver & pancreas)

Skin Type

All skin types – dry, oily, sensitive and mature.

May irritate very sensitive areas of skin.

Geranium essential oil is an excellent skincare oil that balances sebum production and secretion. It cleanses the skin, cleans the pores, kills bacteria, tightens and tones the skin. It boosts the healing of open wounds and promotes healthy skin growth. Great for cuts, wounds, the formation and healing of scar tissue, bites, stings, acne and spots, eczema, psoriasis,dermatitis, rashes and burns.

Strengthens and soothes thread veins, varicose veins and broken capillaries

Improves water retention and elimination which helps to keep the system hydrated and balanced free of toxins. Good for oedema and cellulite. Reduces sweating and cleanses the skin  making it an ideal addition in deodorants.

Stimulates the liver and pancreas, calms and soothes digestion. It stimulates the action of the lymphatic system boosting general immunity.

A strong antidepressant and sedative with a regulating action on hormones that promotes rest and relaxation alleviating stress, tension and anxiety, lifts the spirits, calms the emotions and improves moods.


Skin Type

All skin types


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